About Us
15 5th Ave N., P.O. Box 548, Strum, WI 54770
Phone (715)695-3401 • Fax (715)695-3322
MONDAY - THURSDAY 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
FRIDAY 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Ad Deadline: 4:00 PM Wednesday with payment
for placement in the following Tuesday's issue
Column Widths
1 column - 1.5586" 4 column - 6.7344"
2 column - 3.2839" 5 column - 8.4597"
3 column - 5.0092" 6 column - 10.185"
Classified Section:
Classified Line Ads
10 words. . . . . $4.50
20¢ for each additional word.